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57594 为增强社区防控合力,严密社区防线,全国各地党政机关干部纷纷走出机关,分批下沉社区,极大缓解了社区联防联控中的人手紧张压力,为开展精细化防控注入力量。 In order to create synergy and strengthen community defense line, numerous Party and government officials were designated to work in the communities. Their arrival greatly relieved the shortage of manpower.
57595 下沉干部深入社区街道,积极配合社区干部做好人员排查、测量体温、消毒隔离、宣传引导、后勤保障等各项防控工作,为社区居民筑牢“防疫墙”。 They assisted community workers in personnel screening, temperature check, disinfection and isolation, publicity and guidance, and logistics support, building a solid anti-epidemic defense for the residents.
57596 下沉干部与广大社区工作人员、公安干警、基层干部和志愿者们并肩作战,形成了有序参与联防联控、群防群治的强大力量。 They worked side by side with local community workers, public security officers, grassroots officials and volunteers, forming a powerful inter-agency force to carry out society-wide actions.
57597 8.志愿者 8. Volunteers
57598 据不完全统计,在总人口约1000万的武汉,有5万余名志愿者支援抗疫第一线。 According to incomplete statistics, more than 50,000 volunteers joined the efforts in battling the epidemic in Wuhan, a city with a population of 10 million.
57599 “疫情不散,我们不退”,这是全国抗疫志愿者的共同心声。 “We will not retreat if the epidemic has not receded.” This is the pledge of all volunteers across the country.
57600 这些志愿者中,有党员、退役军人、学生、快递员和普通百姓等,他们年龄不一,性别不同,来自各个岗位甚至不同国家,坚守在高风险、高强度的防控一线,真诚奉献、不辞辛劳。 Among these volunteers were CPC members, ex-servicemen, students and deliverymen. Different in age and gender, and coming from different walks of life and different countries, they were totally dedicated to the high-risk and high-intensity work on the front line.
57601 9.患者群众 9. Patients
57602 2020年3月10日,习近平在湖北省考察疫情防控工作时对正在接受治疗的患者送去慰问,鼓励患者群众树立必胜信心,保持乐观向上的精神状态,主动听从医嘱,积极配合治疗。 On March 10, during his inspection in Hubei, Xi Jinping expressed sympathy to the patients, tried to boost their morale, and asked them to follow the doctor’s advice for recovery at an earlier date.
57603 截至3月31日,全国累计治愈出院病例超7.6万例,治愈率为93.5%;其中,湖北全省累计治愈患者63000多例,治愈率超93%。 By March 31, more than 76,000 patients had been cured and discharged, with a cure rate of 93.5%. Among them, more than 63,000 were in Hubei, with a cure rate of over 93%.