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57664 13.老年人防控 13. Prevention and Control for the Elderly
57665 老年人免疫功能弱,是传染病的易感人群和高危易发人群,本次新冠肺炎疫情的危重症人群中老年人居多。 The elderly with weak immune function are susceptible and high-risk groups of infectious diseases, and they are the majority of the severe and critical cases among the COVID-19 patients.
57666 2020年1月28日,国家卫生健康委印发《关于做好老年人新冠肺炎疫情防控工作的通知》,要求将老年人的疫情防控作为当前的重要工作来抓,采取有效措施,切实降低老年人感染率,尽最大努力减少重症和死亡病例。 On January 28, the NHC issued a notice on epidemic prevention and control among the elderly, requiring effective measures to reduce the infection rate, severe cases and deaths.
57667 全国老龄工作委员会办公室发布的《给老年朋友的一封信》倡议,老年人要科学防控,不要过度恐慌;尽量减少外出,做好个人防护;注重补充营养和食品卫生;合理适度锻炼身体;主动学习相关防护知识等。 The Office of the National Working Committee on Aging published a letter calling for the senior citizens to take scientific measures against the disease and not to panic; reduce outdoor activities and have personal protection; balance nutrition and ensure food hygiene; exercise moderately; and take protective tips.
57668 14.儿童防控 14. Prevention and Control for Children
57669 儿童是新冠肺炎的易感人群之一。 Children are one of the vulnerable groups of the novel coronavirus.
57670 2020年2月2日,国务院应对新冠肺炎疫情联防联控机制发出通知,要求做好儿童和孕产妇新冠肺炎疫情防控工作。 On February 2, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council issued a notice on ensuring effective control of the children and pregnant women.
57671 15.学生防控 15. Prevention and Control for Students
57672 学生的身体健康牵涉到千家万户,是疫情防控的关键和重中之重。 The health of students involves thousands of families, which is the key and top priority of epidemic prevention and control.
57673 2020年1月29日,国家教育部宣布各地在疫情防控期间做好延期开学的准备,中小学应在延迟开学期间“停课不停教、不停学”。 On January 29, the Ministry of Education proposed all regions postpone the new school term during the epidemic prevention and control period, and primary and middle schools “suspend classes with non-stopping teaching and learning” during the period.