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57684 国家卫生健康委在2020年1月30日印发的《新冠病毒感染不同风险人群防护指南》中,对需要到医疗机构就诊的出行人员提出防护建议。 In the Guide on Protecting People Against Different Risks of Novel Coronavirus Infection, released on January 30, the NHC provided advices to individuals who need to visit a medical institution.
57685 同时,医疗机构应做好就诊患者的管理,合理配置医务人员,降低医疗机构内感染的风险。 Medical institutions should strengthen patient management, allocate medical staff properly, and reduce the risks for hospital-acquired infection.
57686 新冠疫情已给包括中国、欧洲和美国在内的全球价值链核心区域带来了巨大的冲击。 COVID-19 has struck at the core of global value chains hub regions, including China, Europe and the US.
57687 这场疫情大流行严重影响了国际生产网络,而这种影响可能会持续数年。 The pandemic has severe implications for international production networks and may leave its legacy for years to come.
57688 在过去的四十年里,世界范围内众多制造业生产都在所谓的全球价值链中展开。 Over the past four decades, much of manufacturing production world-wide has been organized in what has become known as global value chains (GVCs).
57689 原材料和中间产品在全球范围内经多次运输,最终集合在另一地点进行组装。 Raw materials and intermediate goods are shipped around the globe multiple times and then assembled in yet another location.
57690 这些产品将被再次出口给发达国家或发展中国家市场的最终消费者。 The final output is re-exported to final consumers located in both developed and developing markets.
57691 对许多商品而言,中国是全球价值链的核心环节。 For many goods, China is at the heart of such GVCs.
57692 例如,中国是高价值产品和组件的主要生产国,也是全球商品和工业产品的重要客户以及主要的消费市场。 For example, as a primary producer of high-value products and components, as a large customer of global commodities and industrial products, and as a major consumer marketplace.
57693 中国还生产许多中间产品,并负责加工和装配工作。 China is also producing many intermediate inputs and is responsible for processing and assembly operations.