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57694 合同制电子器件制造商富士康就是一个典型的例子。 Foxconn, an electronics contract manufacturer, is a well-known example.
57695 其位于中国大陆的装配厂为许多世界领先的电器公司生产产品,其中包括苹果、英特尔和索尼。 Its assembly plants, located in mainland China, produce for many world-leading electronics companies, among them Apple, Intel and Sony.
57696 中国与日本、美国和欧盟构成了全球生产网络的核心。 China, along with Japan, the United States and the European Union, forms the very core of the global production network.
57697 在2019年12月,新冠病毒引发的疫情在中国湖北省爆发。 In December 2019, infections with the then still-unknown coronavirus started in the Chinese province of Hubei.
57698 中国政府从一月底开始实施一系列严格措施以限制人员流动,同时在全国范围内有效施行宵禁和隔离政策。 The Chinese authorities reacted to this outbreak by imposing severe restrictions on movements of people, effectively imposing curfews and quarantines across the country from the end of January onwards.
57699 而这一举措势必会影响到经济,因为许多生产厂家也暂时关闭以减少人员接触。 This necessarily also affected the economy, as many production sites closed in order to reduce possible contact between individuals.
57700 病毒限制措施的影响在生产数据上清晰可见,与去年同期相比,中国一月和二月的工业生产下降了13.5%。 The effect of virus containment measures is visible in data on industrial production in China, which has fallen by 13.5 per cent in January and February combined, compared with the previous year.
57701 这种下跌在生产中是十分严重的,特别是以长远角度来看:无论是2002/2003年的非典爆发,还是2008/2009年的金融危机都没有造成如此急剧的生产下滑。 This drop in production is severe, in particular when putting it into a longer perspective: neither the SARS outbreak in 2002/2003 nor the financial crisis in 2008/2009 was associated with any such stark drop in production.
57702 中国产量下降还与国际贸易流量的大幅缩减有关,这也表明中国在许多全球价值链的核心地位。 China's position at the heart of many GVCs is illustrated by the fact that the production decline is also associated with major contractions in international trade flows.
57703 据中国官方贸易统计数据显示,按美元计价,中国一月和二月的进口较去年同期下降4%,出口下降了17%。 The country's imports decreased by 4 per cent in US dollar terms in January and February combined from the same period a year earlier, while exports dropped by 17 per cent over the same time period, according to the official Chinese trade statistics.