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57714 以及其他与美中全球供应链相关的产品进口量大幅减少。 and other products associated with US-Chinese global supply chains compared to February 2019.
57715 不过,可以肯定的是,这一数据也部分反映了过去一年里美中贸易紧张局势的升级。 However, it is safe to assume that this data also partially reflects escalating tensions on trade between the US and China over the last year.
57716 当然,要完全量化由于新冠病毒大流行造成的供应链中断所产生的影响还为时尚早。 It is, of course, still too early to quantify fully the effects of the supply chain disruptions due to the coronavirus pandemic.
57717 但到目前为止,我们可以明显地看到,最初在中国出现的生产和贸易的下降将会对供应链上下游的国家产生重大影响, However, it is clear by now that the initial decline in production and trade seen in China will have a strong impact on countries further up and down the supply chain
57718 毕竟现在大多数国家也都已进行人员流动限制,以遏制病毒的传播。 since most of the countries have now imposed restrictions on movements to combat the spread of the virus.
57719 对个人行动的限制导致需求下降,再加上对员工健康和安全的考虑,工厂已暂时关闭停产,而这将对整个价值链的运作产生不利影响。 The resulting drop in demand, due to the imposed restrictions on movements of individuals, combined with concerns about health and safety of employees has led to factory closures which will adversely affect operations of entire GVCs.
57720 以中国为例,作为首个经历新冠疫情整个周期的国家,中国的制造商们如今必须应对双重负面后果(“二次冲击”)。 In the case of China, the first country to go through a full cycle of the epidemic, manufacturers now have to deal with the double negative consequences ('second shock')
57721 首先是本国的封锁,其次是中国经济主导和参与的多条价值链上的客户需求的下降。 of first their own lockdown and second the drop in demand from customers further up the many value chains that its economy commands and contributes to.
57722 如果其他全球价值链核心区域都经历类似的轨迹,那么供应瓶颈和消费者需求下降所产生的累积效应, If other global GVC hubs experience similar trajectories the cumulative effect of supply bottlenecks and falling consumer demand
57723 确实会增加全球制造业进入螺旋式下降的风险,可能会对许多跨境供应链的运营造成严重损害。 may indeed increase the risk of global manufacturing entering a downward spiral, possibly causing significant damages to operations of many cross-border supply chains.