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57744 这种发展几乎肯定会给发展中国家的工业化进程造成沉重打击,并阻碍过去多年来在许多发展中国家已取得的社会经济进步。 Such a development will almost certainly deal a significant blow to developing countries' industrialization efforts and impede the socio-economic progress that has been recorded in many developing regions over the past years.
57745 因此,受新冠疫情影响的全球经济链中断将会留下长期的隐患:在未来很多年里发展中国家通过融入全球价值链进行工业化的潜力将大大降低。 The disruption of GVCs due to COVID-19 may therefore leave as a longer-term legacy: a significant reduction in developing countries' potential to industrialize through linking into GVCs for many years to come.
57746 新冠病毒大流行呼吁我们加大力度,加强多边决策方法,并协助各国开辟其他方式来实现包容和可持续的工业发展。 The COVID-19 pandemic calls for increasing our effort towards strengthening multilateral approaches to policy making and assisting countries in opening up other ways to enable inclusive and sustainable industrial development.
57747 供应链实质性的国有化或区域化有进一步降低供应商多样性,以及减少发展中国家从经济全球化中受益的风险。 A substantive nationalization or regionalization of supply chains has the risk to further reduce diversification of suppliers and reduces opportunities for developing countries to benefit from integrating into the global economy.
57748 研究表明:降压药不会增加冠状病毒风险 Research: Blood pressure medicines don't raise COVID-19 risk
57749 三项主要研究周五表示,常用的降压药不会增加对冠状病毒感染的易感性,也不会增加患上这种疾病的风险,这对数百万服用这些药物的人来说是个积极的消息。 Commonly used blood pressure medicines do not heighten susceptibility to COVID-19 infection, or increase the risk of becoming seriously ill with the disease, three major studies said Friday, positive news for the millions of people who take them.
57750 这项研究主要涉及血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)抑制剂和血管紧张素受体阻滞剂(ARB), The research primarily concerned angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs),
57751 这两种药物也用于糖尿病患者,以帮助保护他们的肾脏。 which are also given to diabetes patients to help protect their kidneys.
57752 ACE抑制剂包括雷米普利、赖诺普利和其他在4月结束的药物;而ARB包括缬沙坦和氯沙坦,通常在-Sartan结束。 ACE inhibitors include the likes of ramipril, lisinopril and other drugs ending in April; while ARBs include valsartan and losartan, and generally end in -sartan.
57753 动物研究曾担心,这些药物可能会增加人体中一种名为ACE2的蛋白质的水平, There had been concern arising from animal studies that these medicines might increase the body's levels of a protein called ACE2,