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57754 当冠状病毒入侵人类细胞时,这种蛋白质会附着在上面,从而增加人们对这种疾病的易感性。 which the coronavirus latches on to when it invades human cells, thus increasing people's vulnerability to the disease.
57755 更令人困惑的是,也有相互矛盾的动物研究表明,拥有更多的ACE2蛋白可能会减轻肺部对冠状病毒的炎症反应,这是一个有益的效果。 Confusing matters further, there were also contradictory animal studies that showed having more ACE2 proteins might lessen an inflammatory reaction in lungs to COVID-19, a beneficial effect.
57756 这三项新研究发表在“新英格兰医学杂志”(NEJM)上。 The three new studies were published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).
57757 每一次都涉及审查数千人的记录,无论他们是否服用药物,看看他们是否受到感染,以及疾病是如何发展的。 Each involved reviewing the records of thousands of people either on or not on the medicines and seeing if they got infected and how the disease progressed.
57758 然后,他们使用统计方法来控制其他因素,如潜在的健康状况,这些因素可能会使人们更容易受到感染和严重的冠状病毒的影响。 They then used statistical methods to control for other factors like underlying health conditions that might make people more susceptible to infection and to serious COVID-19.
57759 纽约大学格罗斯曼医学院的Harmony Reynolds告诉法新社:“我们发现ACE抑制剂和血管紧张素受体阻滞剂检测呈阳性的可能性没有区别。”Harmony Reynolds领导了一项涉及大约12,600人的研究。 "We saw no difference in the likelihood of a positive test with ACE inhibitors and with angiotensin receptor blockers," Harmony Reynolds of the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, who led one of the studies that involved about 12,600 people, told AFP.
57760 这些研究是“观察性的”,意思是研究人员观察了风险因素的影响。 The studies were "observational," meaning the researchers observed the effect of a risk factor.
57761 这种类型的调查总是被认为弱于“试验性”,即在引入干预措施的同时引入对照,这样就不会留下太多的机会。 This type of investigation is always considered weaker than "experimental" where an intervention is introduced along with a control, which leaves less to chance.
57762 “新英格兰医学杂志”随附的一篇社论的作者承认了这一固有的局限性,但补充说: The authors of an accompanying editorial in the NEJM acknowledged this inherent limitation, but added:
57763 “我们发现,三项针对不同人群、不同设计的研究得出了一致的信息,这让我们感到放心。” "We find it reassuring that three studies in different populations and with different designs arrive at the consistent message."