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57764 雷诺兹说,这些发现让她松了一口气,因为她一直在收到忧心忡忡的患者的问题,这些患者读了新闻报道,问他们是否应该停止药物治疗。 Reynolds said the findings were relieving, because she had been getting questions from worried patients who had read press reports and were asking if they should stop their medicines.
57765 她说:“我非常高兴能够告诉患者,他们应该继续服用降压药。” "I'm very happy to be able to tell patients that they should continue their blood pressure medications," she said.
57766 考虑到禁闭生活本身似乎会导致高血压,这一点尤其重要,“可能是因为压力或较少的锻炼,或者是饮食不同,”她补充道。 This is especially important given that lockdown life itself appears to be causing high blood pressure, "maybe from stress or less exercise or eating differently," she added.
57767 领导另一项研究的布里格姆妇女医院(BWH)心脏和血管中心的医学主任曼迪普•梅拉(ManDeep Mehra)说,另一个基本问题已经得到了回答。 Mandeep Mehra, the medical director at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) Heart and Vascular Center who led another of the studies, said another fundamental question had been answered.
57768 在大流行的早期,当有心血管疾病的人更有可能感染严重冠状病毒的情况变得明显时,科学家们想知道: Early on in the pandemic, when it became clear that people with cardiovascular conditions were more likely to get severe COVID-19, scientists wondered:
57769 是心脏病是风险因素,还是用来控制它的药物? Was it heart disease that was the risk factor, or the medicine used to control it?
57770 他说,这项新的研究坚定地解决了这场辩论,支持前者。 The new research settles the debate firmly in favor of the former, he said.
57771 “它毫无疑问地告诉你,冠状病毒以某种方式与心血管系统以一种相当负面的方式相互作用,”梅赫拉说。 "It tells you beyond a shadow of a doubt that COVID-19 somehow interacts with the cardiovascular system in a pretty negative way," said Mehra.
57772 潜在的好处? Potential benefit?
57773 Mehra的研究调查了11个国家的近9000名患者,还将使用降压药与较低的冠状病毒死亡风险联系在一起-这一发现并不被其他两项研究所认同。 Mehra's study, which looked at almost 9,000 patients across 11 countries, also tied the use of blood pressure medicines to a lower risk of death from COVID-19--a finding not shared by the other two studies.