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57774 他说:“那些对心血管疾病患者似乎有挽救生命益处的药物,似乎也向我们显示了对正处于冠状病毒阵痛中的患者有益的信号。” "The same drugs that appear to have life saving benefits in patients with cardiovascular illness also appear to show us a signal of benefit in patients who are in the throes of COVID-19," he said.
57775 他补充说,目前还不清楚为什么会出现这种情况-是因为药物有助于心脏, He added it was unclear why this was the case -- whether it was because the medicines were helping the heart
57776 从而使心脏对病毒的影响更具弹性,还是因为它们在做其他事情。 which in turn made it more resilient to the effects of the virus, or whether they were doing something else.
57777 “我们能告诉你的是,如果你在服用他汀类药物或ACE抑制剂,天哪,请继续服用,”Mehra补充道。 "What we can tell you is that, if you're on a statin or an ACE inhibitor, by golly, please continue it," added Mehra.
57778 根据官方数据,美国近一半的成年人,即1.08亿人患有高血压。 Nearly half of adults in the United States, or 108 million people, have hypertension, according to official figures.
57779 澳大利亚在成功实施冠状病毒战略后将考虑提前放松封锁 Australia to look at easing lockdown early after successful coronavirus strategy
57780 澳大利亚政府周五表示,将提前一周召开会议,决定是否放松社交距离限制, The Australian government said on Friday, it would meet a week ahead of schedule to decide whether to ease social distancing restrictions,
57781 因为新感染冠状病毒的人数减少,企业和学校重新开学的压力加大。 as the numbers of new coronavirus infections dwindle and pressure mounts for business and schools to reopen.
57782 自当地时间周四上午以来,全国范围内已发现16例新病例。 Nationwide there have been 16 new cases of the illness detected since Thursday morning local time.
57783 该国总共记录了6753例,其中91人死于这种疾病,5714名患者现在康复-远远低于美国和欧洲的总数。 In total, the country has recorded 6,753 cases, with 91 deaths from the illness and 5,714 patients now recovered - far lower totals than seen in the United States and Europe.