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57794 足够的医院床位和呼吸机; enough hospital beds and ventilators;
57795 充足的口罩库存; adequate stocks of masks;
57796 充足的药物库存; adequate stocks of medications;
57797 以及持续的劳动力培训。 and ongoing workforce training.
57798 该国仍未达到必要标准的四个领域是: The four areas in which the country is still below the necessary standard are:
57799 足够数量的人下载政府的冠状病毒跟踪应用程序; sufficient numbers of people downloading the government Covid-19 tracing app;
57800 为需要的人提供足够的个人防护用品; adequate provision of PPE for those who need it;
57801 加强对疾病传播的监测; greater surveillance of the spread of the illness;
57802 以及为监测提供资源。 and resourcing for that surveillance.
57803 澳大利亚各州在自己的冠状病毒封锁方面拥有一定的自主权,一些州已经开始重新开放学校并放松封锁。 States in Australia have had some autonomy over their own coronavirus lockdowns, and some have already begun re-opening schools and easing lockdowns.