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57824 这样当我们减少一些其他国家已经看到的限制时,我们就会出现第二波疫情。“他说。 so that we get a second wave when we reduce restrictions such as a number of other countries have seen," he said.
57825 除了重新开放学校外,西澳大利亚州当局现在允许最多10人参加集会。 In addition to re-opening schools, Western Australian authorities are now permitting gatherings of up to ten people.
57826 4月12日,维多利亚州将紧急状态限制再延长四周,州长丹尼尔·安德鲁斯(Daniel Andrews)坚称,该州不会过早解除封锁,从而危及公共健康。 On April 12, Victoria extended its state of emergency restrictions for an additional four weeks, and Premier Daniel Andrews is adamant the state will not risk public health by lifting the lockdown too early.
57828 避免在未加防护的情况下与农场牲畜或野生动物接触。 Avoid contact with livestock or wild animals without protective measures.
57829 咳嗽打喷嚏时,用纸巾或袖或屈肘将鼻完全遮住。 Cough or sneeze into paper tissues, your sleeves or elbows while completely covering the nose and mouth.
57830 咳嗽打喷嚏后,用肥皂和清水或含酒精洗手液清洗双手。 After coughing or sneezing, wash hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
57831 外出回家后及时洗手。 Wash hands immediately after returning home.
57832 如有发热和其他呼吸道感染症状,特别是持续发热不退,及时到医院就诊。 Fever and other symptoms of respiratory infections, especially persistent fever, indicate the need for an immediate hospital visit.
57833 在家中怎样预防新型冠状病毒传染? How to prevent the infection by the novel coronavirus at home?
57834 增强卫生健康意识. Raise health and hygiene awareness.