ID 原文 译文
57845 在影剧院怎样预防新型冠状病毒传染? How to prevent infection by 2019-nCoV in cinemas and theaters?
57846 传染病流行期间,尽量不到人流密集和空气流通不畅的公共场所。 During an epidemic outbreak, try to avoid visits to public spaces, especially places with large crowds and poor ventilation like cinemas.
57847 如必须去应戴口罩。 Wear a face mask if visits to public spaces are required.
57848 在自己咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用纸巾将口鼻完全遮住 Cough or sneeze into tissues completely covering the nose and mouth.
57849 并将用过的纸巾立刻扔进封闭式垃圾箱内,防止病菌传播。 Seal used tissues in a plastic bag before discarding immediately in a closed bin labeled “residual waste” or “medical waste” to prevent the virus from spreading.
57850 在公共交通设施怎样预防新型冠状病毒传染? How to prevent infection by 2019-nCoV when traveling by public transportation?
57851 公交车、地铁、轮船和飞机等地方都是人流密集,可佩戴口罩减少接触病原风险。 Passengers on public transport such as bus, metro, ferry or airliners must wear face masks to reduce the risk of getting infected in crowded spaces.
57852 在自己咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用纸巾将口鼻完全遮住,并将用过的纸巾立刻扔进封闭式垃圾箱内,防止病菌传播。 Seal used tissues in a plastic bag before discarding immediately in a closed bin labeled “residual waste” or “medical waste” to prevent the virus from spreading.
57853 在办公场所怎样预防新型冠状病毒传染? How to prevent infection by 2019-nCoV in the workplace?
57854 保持工作场所室内不断的通风换气。 Keep the workplace well-ventilated.