ID 原文 译文
57895 在办公场所怎样预防新型冠状病毒传染? How to prevent infection by 2019-nCoV in the workplace?
57896 保持工作场所室内不断的通风换气。 Keep the workplace well-ventilated.
57897 不要随地吐痰,可以先吐在纸张上,在方便时再把它扔进封闭式垃圾箱内。 Do not spit in public; you can spit into a tissue paper and then dispose of it in a closeable bin when convenient.
57898 在自己咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用纸巾将口鼻完全遮住。 Cough or sneeze into tissues while completely covering the nose and mouth.
57899 保持个人卫生,要勤洗手;传染病流行季节应尽量避免各类聚会。 Wash hands frequently to maintain personal hygiene; avoid all kinds of social gatherings during the epidemic.
57900 在医院怎样预防新型冠状病毒传染? How to prevent infection by 2019-nCoV in hospitals?
57901 去医院看病、探望病人时,尤其是去医院的发热门诊或呼吸科就诊时应该戴上口罩。 Wear a mask during hospital visits, especially visits to fever clinics or respiratory departments.
57902 尽可能避免与有呼吸道疾病症状(如发热、咳嗽或打喷嚏等)的人密切接触。 Avoid close contact with people presenting symptoms of respiratory diseases (such as fever, cough and sneezing).
57903 保持良好的个人卫生习惯,咳嗽或打喷嚏时用纸巾掩住口鼻。 Maintain good personal hygiene; cover nose and mouth with tissues when coughing or sneezing.
57904 用肥皂和清水或含酒精洗手液清洗双手。 Wash hands with soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizer.