ID 原文 译文
57905 不用脏手触摸眼睛、鼻或口。 Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth without washing hands.
57906 什么是隔离医学观察? What is quarantine for medical observation?
57907 《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》对“传染病病人”和“疑似传染病病人”的密切接触者,要在指定场所进行医学观察或采取其他预防措施。 According to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Contagious Diseases, close contacts with individuals known or suspected to be infected with the virus should undergo a medical observation or other preventive measures at the designated places.
57908 密切接触者的主要管理措施包括: 登记并进行7天医学观察。 The key management measures for close contacts include: Register them for medical observation for seven days.
57909 尽量减少外出活动。 They should avoid unnecessary outdoor activities.
57910 如何保护自己远离新型冠状病毒传染? How to keep yourself away from the novel coronavirus?
57911 冠状病毒以飞沫传播为主,正确佩戴医用外科口罩。 COVID-19 is mainly transmitted by droplets and contacts, therefore medical surgical masks must be worn properly.
57912 打喷嚏或者咳嗽时不要用手直接遮挡。 When sneezing or coughing, do not cover nose and mouth with bare hands.
57913 正确、及时洗手。 Wash hands properly and frequently.
57914 提高免疫力,尽量少去人多且封闭的场所。 Boost your immunity, and avoid going to crowded and enclosed places.