ID 原文 译文
57915 加强锻炼、规律作息。 Exercise more and have a regular sleep schedule.
57916 提高自身免疫力是避免被感染的最重要手段。 Boosting your immunity is the most important way to avoid being infected.
57917 洗手在预防呼吸道传播疾病中的作用? Why is handwashing important in preventing respiratory diseases?
57918 手部接触所涉及的传播途径包括经水/食物传播、血液/血制品传播、空气飞沫传播、消化道传播、直接或间接接触传播等等。 The hands are the key medium in transmission of viruses that are transmitted through water, food, blood or blood products, respiratory droplets, digestive tract, in addition to direct or indirect touching.
57919 研究表明,正确洗手是预防腹泻和呼吸道感染的最有效措施之一。 Studies show that proper handwashing is one of the most effective measures to prevent diarrhea and respiratory infections.
57920 你掌握了正确洗手的方法吗? How to wash hands correctly?
57921 第一步,双手手心相互搓洗。 Step 1: Scrub palm to palm with fingers interlaced.
57922 第二步,双手交叉搓洗手指缝(手心对手背)。 Step 2: Put one palm on the back of another hand and scrub your fingers.
57923 第三步,手心对手心搓洗手指缝。 Step 3: Scrub between your fingers.
57924 第四步,指尖搓洗手心,左右手相同。 Step 4: Rub the back of your fingers against your palms. Do the same with the other hand.