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57925 第五步:一只手握住另一只手的拇指搓洗,左右手相同。 Step 5: Scrub your thumb using the other hand. Do the same with the other thumb.
57926 第六步:指尖摩擦掌心。 Step 6: Rub the tips of your fingers on the palm of the other hand
57927 一只手握住另一只手的手腕转动搓洗,左右手相同。 Rub the wrist of one hand with the other hand while rotating it. Do the same with the other hand.
57928 家中有人出现肺炎症状,应如何照料? How to take care of the COVID-19 patient at home?
57929 将病人与家中其他人隔离开来,至少保持1m距离。 Quarantine the patient from the rest of the family members and maintain a distance of at least one meter.
57930 照料病人时应用口罩遮掩住嘴和鼻子,口罩使用后应丢弃。 Wear a mask when looking after the patient. Discard the mask after each use.
57931 与病人接触后应用肥皂等彻底洗净双手。 Wash hands thoroughly with soap after having contact with the patient.
57932 病人居住空间应保持空气流通。 The patient’s living space should be well ventilated.
57933 面对新型冠状病毒,体育锻炼要遵循哪些原则? How to exercise amid outbreak of COVID-19?
57934 遵循三条原则 :全面锻炼、循序渐进、持之以恒。 Follow a comprehensive exercise program, increase the intensity progressively, and exercise consistently.