ID 原文 译文
57935 全面锻炼,一是指尽可能使身体各部位、各系统都得到锻炼;二是指尽可能拓宽练习项目和形式,以求发展各类身体素质。 Follow comprehensive exercise programs, exercising every part and system of the body, and expanding the scope and types of your exercise to ensure different attributes of your physical fitness are enhanced.
57936 循序渐进。 Increase the intensity progressively.
57937 既指运动强度应由小到大,在身体逐步适应的基础上不断提高要求。 Start exercises from low intensity and gradually scale it up after your body has adapted to the initial intensity.
57938 又指学习动作、掌握技术要从易到难。 It is suggested to do basic movements and learn easy techniques before moving onto higher level.
57939 持之以恒 Exercise consistently
57940 形成习惯。 Keep exercising until it becomes a habit.
57941 你知道抽烟、喝酒是怎么降低人体免疫力的吗? How do smoking and drinking affect your immune system?
57942 吸烟的时候,会导致人体血液中尼古丁含量增高,容易引起血管痉挛,导致局部器官短暂性的缺氧。 Smoking causes an increase in nicotine concentration in blood, which could result in vasospasm and transient hypoxia in organs.
57943 尤其是呼吸道和内脏器官的氧气含量减少,容易导致人体抗病能力的减弱。 Particularly, the decrease of oxygen in respiratory tract and viscera could damage immunity.
57944 提倡戒烟限酒。 It is recommended to quit smoking and limit alcohol intake.