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57945 新型冠状病毒肺炎患者有什么临床表现? What are the clinical manifestations of COVID-19?
57946 新型冠状病毒肺炎起病以发热为主要表现,可合并轻度干咳、乏力、呼吸不畅、腹泻等症状,流涕、咳痰等症状少见。 The onset of COVID-19 is mainly manifested as fever, which can occur together with mild dry cough, fatigue, poor breathing, diarrhea etc. However, runny nose, sputum and other symptoms are rare.
57947 严重者病情进展迅速,数日内即可出现急性呼吸窘迫综合征、脓毒症休克、难以纠正的代谢性酸中毒和出凝血功能障碍。 In severe cases, the disease can progress rapidly, causing acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, irreversible metabolic acidosis, and coagulation disorders in just a matter of days.
57948 部分患者起病症状轻微,可无发热。 Some patients start out with mild symptoms without fever.
57949 多数患者预后良好,少数患者病情危重,甚至死亡。 The majority of patients have a good prognosis, while a few become critically and sometimes fatally ill.
57950 你了解新型冠状病毒肺炎的实验室检查吗? Do you know something on laboratory testing for COVID- 19?
57951 新型冠状病毒可通过实时荧光 RT-PCR鉴定。 2019-nCoV can be identified by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR).
57952 每个病例采集上、下呼吸道标本,如支气管或肺泡灌洗液、深咳痰液, For each case, specimens to be tested should be from lower respiratory tracts, such as bronchial/alveolar lavage fluid and deep sputum.
57953 同时采集发病初期和发病14日后的血清。 Also, serum samples should be collected both at the onset of symptoms and after 14 days.
57954 发病早期白细胞总数正常或降低,淋巴细胞计数减少。 In the early stages of the disease, the white blood cell count stays normal or lower, but the lymphocyte count is decreased.