ID 原文 译文
57975 按照要求进行居家医学观察,。 Please follow the self-monitoring instructions and stay at home.
57976 不用恐慌。 Don’t panic.
57977 不要上班。 Don’t go to work.
57978 不要随便外出。 Don’t go out too often.
57979 做好自我身体状况观察,定期接受社区医生的随访。 Perform daily checks of health condition and report the records to the authority, and follow up with your community doctors regularly.
57980 治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎如何选择治疗场所? How to choose a medical institution for treatment?
57981 应在具备有效隔离条件和防护条件的医院隔离治疗。 Isolation and treatment should be performed in a hospital with proper conditions for isolation and protection.
57982 危重病例应尽早收入ICU治疗。 Critical cases should be admitted to an ICU as soon as possible.
57983 新型冠状病毒肺炎如何治疗? How to treat COVID-19?
57984 卧床休息、加强支持治疗,注意水、电解质平衡,维持内环境稳定,根据病情监测各项指标。 Put patients to bed rest, provide with supportive care, maintain good hydration and electrolyte balance, internal homeostatis, and closely monitor vital signs and oxygen saturation.