ID 原文 译文
57985 根据氧饱和度的变化,及时给与有效氧疗措施 According to the changes in oxygen saturation, provide a timely effective oxygen therapy.
57986 抗病毒治疗 Antiviral therapy
57987 目前无有效抗病毒。 There are currently no antiviral drugs with good efficacy.
57988 抗菌药物治疗 Apply antibacterial drug treatment
57989 加强细菌学监测,有继发细菌感染证据时及时应用抗菌药物。 Strengthen bacteriological monitoring, and start antibacterial treatment when there is evidence of secondary bacterial infection.
57990 中医药治疗 Traditional Chinese medicine treatment.
57991 根据症候辩证施治 Treat according to the syndrome.
57992 临床解除隔离和出院的标准是什么? What are the clinical criteria for quarantine release and discharge?
57993 出院指标第一是病情稳定,发烧情况好转。 The condition of the patient is stable and fever has subsided.
57994 第二是肺部影像学明显好转,没有脏器功能障碍。 Lung imaging shows a significant improvement with no sign of organ dysfunction.