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58025 上呼吸道感染与这次新型冠状病毒肺炎早期的症状很难鉴别。 This made it difficult to distinguish the early stage of COVID-19 from other upper respiratory infections.
58026 社区获得性肺炎的感染源主要有:患者、患者家属、探视者及其生活环境。 The main sources of infection in community-acquired pneumonia include patients, their families, visitors, and their living environment.
58027 社区获得性肺炎的分布和结局与下列因素有关: The dissemination and outcomes of community-acquired pneumonia are associated with the following factors.
58028 环境状况:空气污染物、室内拥挤程度、湿度、室内卫生、季节、温度。 Environmental conditions: air pollutants, overcrowding in confined spaces, humidity, indoor hygiene, seasons, and temperature.
58029 医疗保健服务和控制传播的预防感染措施的可及性和有效性:疫苗、卫生保健机构的可及性和隔离能力等。 Accessibility and effectiveness of health care services and infection prevention measures: Accessibility and availability of vaccines and health care facilities, and isolation capabilities.
58030 宿主因素:年龄、吸烟情况、宿主的传染性大小、免疫状况、营养状况、既往感染过 或伴有其他病原体感染、身体基础状况。 Host factors: age, smoking habits, transmissibility, immune status, nutritional status, previous infection or co-infection of other pathogens, and overall health.
58031 病原体特征:包括传播方式、传染力、毒力因素和微生物量(接种量)。 Pathogen characteristics: routes of transmission, infectivity, virulence, and microbial population (inoculation size).
58032 如何预防社区获得性肺炎? How to prevent community-acquired pneumonia?
58033 传染源控制 Control the source of infection
58034 急性呼吸道疾病患者咳嗽、打喷嚏时,用手或其他材料(手帕、纸巾、布口罩或者外科口罩) 掩住口鼻,以减少飞沫传播。 When coughing or sneezing, the patient with acute respiratory diseases should cover their nose and mouth with the arm or other materials (handkerchiefs, paper towels, or masks) to reduce droplet transmission.