ID 原文 译文
58035 接触呼吸道分泌物后,应该立即执行手卫生,勤洗手。 After exposure to respiratory secretions, perform hand hygiene immediately, and wash hands frequently in daily life.
58036 个人预防 Personal precautions
58037 合理膳食、保证充足营养、保持口腔健康有助于预防肺炎的发生。 Maintain a balanced diet, ensuring adequate nutrition, and maintaining oral health can help prevent against infection.
58038 适量运动,提高免疫能力。 Exercise regularly to boost immunity.
58039 戒烟限酒,心理平衡。 Quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and stay in good spirits.
58040 保持室内通风(可通过自然通风和/或排气风扇来促进通风状况)。 Ensure indoor ventilation: natural ventilation and/or use of exhaust fans for better airflow.
58041 接种疫苗。 Get vaccinated if available.
58042 什么是飞沫传播? What is droplet transmission?
58043 飞沫:一般认为直径>5um的含水颗粒 A droplet generally refers to a water-containing particle with a diameter greater than 5 μm.
58044 飞沫可以通过一定的距离(一般为1米)进入易感的粘膜表面。 Droplets can enter mucosal surfaces within a certain distance (typically 1 m).