ID 原文 译文
58045 由于飞沫颗粒较大,不会长期悬浮在空气中。 Due to the relatively large size and weight of the droplets, they cannot stay suspended in the air for too long.
58046 呼吸飞沫的产生 Generation of respiratory droplets
58047 咳嗽、打喷嚏或说话。 Coughing, sneezing or talking.
58048 实施呼吸道侵入性操作,如:吸痰或支气管镜检查,气管插管或是翻身、拍背等刺激咳嗽的过程中和心肺复苏等 During invasive respiratory tract procedures, such as suctioning or bronchoscopy, tracheal intubation, cough-stimulating movements including changing positions in bed or patting backs, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, etc.
58049 通过飞沫传播的病原体 Pathogens transmitted by droplets
58050 流感病毒、SARS冠状病毒、腺病毒、鼻病毒、支原体、A组链球菌和脑膜炎双球菌(奈瑟菌)等。 influenza virus, SARS coronavirus, adenovirus, rhinovirus, mycoplasma, group A streptococcus and meningococcus (Neisseria).
58051 什么是空气传播? What is airborne transmission?
58052 空气传播即气溶胶传播。 Airborne transmission is also known as aerosol transmission.
58053 可通过空气传播的颗粒:一般认为直径<5um,能在长时间远距离散播后仍有传染性的颗粒。 Aerosols are suspensions of tiny particles or droplets that can be transmitted through the air. They are generally considered to be less than 5 μm in diameter, and the pathogens carried by them can still be infectious after traveling long distances.
58054 通过空气传播的病原体也可以经接触传播。 Airborne pathogens can also be transmitted through direct contact.