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58055 经空气传播的病原体有。 The airborne pathogens are classified as follows.
58056 专一的空气传播:结核杆菌、曲菌 Through the airborne route only: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Aspergillus.
58057 经多种途径,但以空气传播为主:麻疹病毒、水痘带状疱疹病毒 Through multiple routes, but mainly airborne: measles virus, varicella-zoster virus.
58058 通常经其他途径,但在特殊情况下(如产生气溶胶的操作—气管插管/切开、开放性气道吸引)通过空气传播:天花病毒、SARS冠状病毒、流感病毒和诺如病毒等。 Usually through other routes, but can also be transmitted through airborne only in special scenarios (like tracheal intubation/incision, open-airway suctioning and other aerosol- generating procedures): smallpox virus, SARS coronavirus, 2019- nCoV, Influenza virus and norovirus etc.
58059 什么是接触传播? What is contact transmission?
58060 直接接触 Direct contact
58061 病原体通过粘膜或皮肤的直接接触传播 Pathogens are transmitted through direct mucosal or skin contact with an infected host.
58062 血液或带血体液经粘膜或破损的皮肤进入人体(主要见于病毒的传播) Blood or bloody fluids enter the body through mucous membranes or non-intact skins (mainly viruses).
58063 直接接触含某种病原体的分泌物引起传播,如疥疮 Transmission caused by contact with secretions containing certain pathogens, commonly for infections by bacteria, viruses, parasites etc.
58064 间接接触 Indirect contact.