ID 原文 译文
58065 传染性病原体通过污染的物体或人的传播 肠道传染病的病原体多通过间接接触传播: Pathogens are transmitted through contaminated objects or people. Pathogens of intestinal infectious diseases are mostly transmitted through indirect contact.
58066 MRSA(耐苯唑/甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌),VRE(耐万古霉素的肠球菌),C.difficile(艰难梭菌)。 MRSA (benzoxazole/methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), VRE (vancomycin-resistant enterococcus), Clostridium difficile.
58067 什么是密切接触者? What is a close contact?
58068 与病例(观察和确诊病例)发病后有如下接触情形之一者。 Close contacts refer to persons who have contact with a patient who is confirmed or suspected with infection of 2019-nCoV), including the following situations.
58069 与病例共同居住、学习、工作或其他有密切接触的人员。 Those who live, study, work or have other forms of a close contact with a patient.
58070 诊疗、护理、探视病例时未采取有效防护措施的医护人员、家属或其他与病例有类似近距离接触的人员。 Medical personnel, family members or others who have had a close contact with a patient without taking effective protective measures during diagnosing, treatment, nursing and visiting.
58071 病例同病室的其他患者及陪护人员。 Other patients and their accompanying people sharing the same ward with an infected patient.
58072 与病例乘坐同一交通工具并有近距离接触人员。 Those who shared the same transportation or elevator with the patient.
58073 现场调查人员调查后经评估认为符合条件的人员。 Those who are deemed as such through on-the-spot investigations.
58074 为什么要对密切接触者医学观察14天? Why should close contacts be put under isolated medical observation for 14 days?