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58075 目前对密切接触者采取较为严格的医学观察等预防性公共卫生措施十分必要。 Strict monitoring of close contacts and other preventive measures are necessary.
58076 这是一种对公众健康安全负责任的态度,也是国际社会通行的做法。 This is not only a socially responsible practice for the public health and safety but also consistent with the international convention.
58077 参考其他冠状病毒所致疾病潜伏期、此次新型冠状病毒病例相关信息和当前防控实际,将密切接触者医学观察期定为14天,并对密切接触者进行居家医学观察。 With reference to the incubation periods of diseases caused by other coronaviruses, the information from the recent cases of 2019-nCoV, and the current prevention and control practices, close contacts should be placed under medical observation for 14 days at home.
58078 哪些野生动物会携带冠状病毒? Which wild animals carry coronaviruses?
58079 很多野生动物都可能携带病原体,成为某些传染病的传播媒介。 Many wild animals carry pathogens and are potential transmission vectors of certain contagious diseases.
58080 果子狸、蝙蝠、竹鼠、獾等是冠状病毒的常见宿主。 Bats, civets, badgers, bamboo rats, and wild camels, etc. are known hosts of coronaviruses.
58081 武汉地区的病毒性肺炎疫情爆发,与2002年广东爆发的“非典”疫情有很多相似的之处。 The outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia originated in Wuhan has many similarities to the SARS outbreak in Guangdong back in 2003.
58082 都发生在冬季,初始发生都起源于人与动物市场交易的鲜活动物接触,而且都是由未知的冠状病毒导致。 Both began in the winter; the initial cases were traced to contacts with fresh, live animals in a market; both were caused by a previously unknown coronavirus.
58083 由于武汉新型冠状病毒的进化邻居和外类群都在各类蝙蝠中有发现,推测武汉新型冠状病毒的自然宿主也可能是蝙蝠。 Due to the similarity of the genomic sequences between the novel coronavirus and a coronavirus found in bats, which is 85% or higher, it is speculated that bats are the natural hosts of the novel coronavirus.
58084 如同导致2002年的SARS冠状病毒一样,新型冠状病毒在从蝙蝠到人的传染过程中很可能存在未知的中间宿主媒介。 Like the SARS coronavirus that caused the outbreak in 2003, the novel coronavirus is likely to have intermediate hosts between bats and humans yet unknown to us.