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58085 不要吃未经检疫的野生动物、生鲜等食品,比如路边摊售卖的肉食。 Therefore, one should refrain from consumption of uninspected wild animals or uncooked food such as meat sold by roadside sellers.
58086 冠状病毒如何由动物到人? How do coronaviruses transmit from animals to humans?
58087 许多与冠状病毒有联系的人类感染冠状病毒都和蝙蝠有关,许多冠状病毒的天然宿主都是蝙蝠。 Many coronaviruses that infect humans could be found in bats, which are natural reservoirs of coronaviruses.
58088 蝙蝠很有可能就是武汉新型冠状病毒的原生宿主。 Bats are likely to be the original host of the novel coronavirus.
58089 不过,从蝙蝠到人可能还存在更多的中间宿主,目前还没有确认。 However, there are several other possible intermediate hosts between bats and humans, which have not been confirmed yet.
58090 冠状病毒由动物到人、人与人的路径:接触传播和飞沫传播。 Animal-to-human or human-to-human transmission relies mainly on two routes: contacts and droplets.
58091 HKU1、SARS-CoV、MERS-CoV、2019-nCoV:可引起人类肺炎。 The coronaviruses that are currently known to cause pneumonia in humans include HKU1, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and 2019-nCoV.
58092 你了解冠状病毒的致病性吗? How virulent is the 2019-nCoV?
58093 冠状病毒主要感染成人或较大儿童,引起普通感冒和咽喉炎。 Common coronaviruses mainly infect adults or older children, causing the common cold.
58094 某些毒株还可引起成人腹泻。 Some strains can cause diarrhea in adults.