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58095 病毒经飞沫传播,粪口途径亦可以传播。 These viruses are mainly transmitted by droplets, and can also be spread via the fecal-oral route.
58096 主要在冬春季流行。 The incidence of corona virus infection is prevalent in winter and spring.
58097 疾病的潜伏期平均3-7天。 The incubation period for coronaviruses is usually 3 to 7 days.
58098 衡量一种病毒的危害程度,一看致死率,二看传染性。 To measure the degree of harm caused by a virus, both infectivity and lethality should be considered.
58099 新型冠状病毒已具备致死性,尚不能确定致死率。 The new coronavirus is highly- infectious and can be fatal, but its lethality has not been determined at present.
58100 严重急性呼吸综合征---“SARS”。 What is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)?
58101 SARS-CoV可引起严重急性呼吸综合征。 Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a disease caused by SARS-CoV.
58102 SARS的主要症状有发热、咳嗽、头痛、肌肉痛,以及呼吸道感染症状。 The main symptoms of SARS include fever, cough, headache, muscle pain, and other symptoms of respiratory infection.
58103 大多数SARS患者能够自愈或治愈。 Most SARS patients recover with or without medical treatment.
58104 病死率约14%,尤其在40岁以上或有潜在疾病者(如冠心病、糖尿病、哮喘以及慢性肺病) 病死率高。 Its fatality rate is about 10%; those over 40 years of age or with underlying diseases (such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and chronic lung diseases) are most at risk to develop the fatal disease.