ID 原文 译文
58115 社区发病。 Onset in community.
58116 肺炎相关临床表现: The clinical manifestations of pneumonia are as follows.
58117 新近出现的咳嗽、咳痰或原有呼吸道疾病加重,伴或不伴脓痰/胸痛/呼吸困难/咳血。 New presentation of cough, sputum, or exacerbation of existing respiratory diseases, with or without purulent sputum/chest pain/dyspnea/hemoptysis.
58119 肺实变体征和(或)闻及湿性啰音。 Pulmonary consolidation and/or presence of wet rales.
58120 WBC>10×109/L或<4×109/L,伴或不伴中性粒细胞核左移。 WBC (white blood cells) counts higher than 10×109/L or lower than 4 × 109/L, with or without a left shift of neutrophil nucleus
58121 影像学。 Imaging characteristics.
58122 胸部X线检查显示新出现的斑片状浸润性阴影、叶/段实变影、或间质性改变,伴或不伴胸腔积液。 Radiographic examination revealing patchy infiltrates, lobular/segmental consolidation, or interstitial changes with or without pleural effusion.
58123 以上1-4项中任何1项加影像学, 除外非感染性疾病可做出诊断。 If any items in (2) is positive and the imaging results support, a diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia could be made after ruling out non-infectious diseases.
58124 新型冠状病毒肺炎预防手册 The Coronavirus Prevention Handbook
58125 认识冠状病毒 Overview of Coronaviruses