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58146 此次从武汉市不明原因肺炎患者下呼吸道分离出的冠状病毒为一种新型冠状病毒,WHO命名为2019-nCoV。 Recently, a novel coronavirus was isolated from the lower respiratory tract of patients in Wuhan, who were suffering from pneumonia due to unknown causes (The World Health Organization (WHO) called it 2019-nCoV.
58147 目前已知的6个新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)基因组序列几乎完全一致, This novel coronavirus is very similar in terms of the genome sequences to six previously discovered coronaviruses.
58148 并且从基因序列同源性上来说,新型冠状病毒更接近SARS-CoV。 An analysis of their genetic sequence homology revealed that the new virus has many similarities with SARS-CoV.
58149 新型冠状病毒目前可以归到β属冠状病毒中。 This novel coronavirus is now classified as a beta-coronavirus.
58150 在美国已有超过5万人死于新冠肺炎,而且疫情发展的势头并没有减弱的迹象。 Over 50,000 people have died of COVID-19 in the U.S. and the momentum is not letting down.
58151 与此同时,特朗普总统及其盟友正借机助推反华言论愈演愈烈。 This comes as President Trump and his allies are elevating their anti-China rhetoric to a new level.
58152 他们的最新策略是做实阴谋论,指责中国病毒研究所"制造"了这种致命病毒。 Their newest tactic: legitimize a conspiracy theory and blame a Chinese lab for “creating” the deadly virus.
58153 但他们究竟是如何编造这些故事的呢?让我来告诉你 But exactly how are they trying to spin the narrative? I'll walk you through it.
58154 我是董雪,欢迎收看真相放大镜。 I'm Serena, welcome to Facts Tell.
58155 第一步:收集毫无依据的情报 Step One: Gather Unreliable Sources