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58156 一月下旬,右翼媒体《华盛顿时报》称武汉病毒研究所为疫情背后的罪魁祸首, In late January, right-wing Washington Times labeled the Wuhan Institute of Virology as the "villain" behind the pandemic.
58157 推测新冠病毒是在该病毒研究所"制造"而成并以某种方式"泄漏"出去的。 It speculated that the virus was "manufactured" at the biolab and somehow "leaked" out.
58158 这篇文章的消息来源是一名以色列军事情报官员和自由亚洲电台,尤其后者更是众所周知的"美国中央情报局建立的全球宣传网络"。 The article sourced an Israeli military intelligence officer and Radio Free Asia, which is known to be a "worldwide propaganda network built by the CIA."
58159 这个理论很快就被科学家们否定了。 The theory was quickly rejected by scientists.
58160 这是科学家们在《自然》杂志上的表述: This is what they say on the magazine Nature:
58161 “我们的分析清楚地表明SARS-CoV-2不是一种由实验室构造或有目的性操纵的病毒。” "Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus."
58162 也许大家认为明确的科学研究结论足以让华盛顿的阴谋论者闭嘴。 You would think scientific research would be enough to silence conspiracy theorists in Washington.
58163 然而,随着美国(新冠肺炎)死亡人数不断增加,特朗普和他的盟友们却在努力找寻更多的阴谋论素材。 However, with the death toll continuously increasing in the U.S., Trump and his allies are left scrambling for more theories to float.
58164 第二步:无中生有 Step Two: Neglect Evidence
58165 4月14日《华盛顿邮报》有这样一篇专栏: On April 14, Washington Post had this column: