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58166 “(美国)国务院电报警告武汉病毒研究所存在安全隐患” "State Department cables warn of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying coronaviruses"
58167 该文章作者乔希·罗金援引了2018年美国驻京大使馆的一份电报,并称自己是无意中获得了这份电报。 Its author Josh Rogin cited a 2018 cable from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing that he said he had just "obtained" innocently.
58168 电报警告说武汉病毒研究所对蝙蝠冠状病毒的研究,及其潜在的人-人传播预示了一种新的类似非典大流行的疫情风险。 The cable warned that the Wuhan lab's work on bat coronaviruses and its potential human transmission represented a risk of a new SARS-like pandemic.
58169 但当科学家们要求罗金公布电报全部内容时却遭到了拒绝。 When pressed by scientists to publish the rest of the cable, Rogin refused.
58170 第二天,福克斯新闻的布雷特·贝尔立即发表了一篇类似的文章, The next day, Bret Baier of Fox News published a similar article,
58171 称有越来越多的证据表明新冠病毒可能起源于武汉的一家病毒研究所。 stating "there is increasing confidence that the Covid-19 outbreak likely originated in a Wuhan laboratory."
58172 但他依旧没有提供具体证据,而只是声称援引于一份来自美国的情报消息,他本人甚至也并没有看到这份情报。 But again, he offered no concrete evidence, and relied on unspecified documents from "U.S. sources,” which he did not personally view.
58173 第三步: 大肆渲染 Step Three: Bring it to the Masses
58174 随着剧情继续升级,共和党参议员汤姆·科顿在福克斯上赞扬贝尔的言论并指责中国导致了... As the theatrics continued, Republican Senator Tom Cotton praised Baier on Fox and blamed China.
58175 “每一例死亡,每一份失业,每一次退休储蓄的损失......” "every single death, every job lost, every retirement nest egg lost"...