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58176 三天后,美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥紧随其后将这一毫无根据的理论进一步宣扬。 Three days later, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo followed suit and brought the baseless theory to a wider audience.
58177 他是这样说的: This is what he had to say:
58178 “我们还在请求中共允许专家进入那个病毒实验室,以便我们能够确定这种病毒的起源。” "We are still asking the Chinese Communist Party to allow experts to get into that virology lab so that we can determine precisely where this virus began."
58179 当天特朗普总统也介入并表示“这似乎是有道理的”。 That same day, President Trump, stepped in and said +CLIP "it seems to make sense."
58180 所有这些让我想起了一句老话: All of these remind me of an old saying:
58181 “不要让事实妨碍好故事。” "Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story."
58182 这似乎成为了特朗普政府近日来的行动指南。 It seems to be the mantra for the Trump administration these days.
58183 对特朗普总统来说,时间很紧迫。他只剩下六个月来力保连任,并避免经济萧条 The clock is ticking for Trump with only six months left to lock in a reelection and stave off an economic depression.
58184 似乎坚持针对中国的边缘阴谋论是他最安全的策略。 It seems clinging to fringe conspiracy theories against China is his safest strategy.
58185 不过这确实也让我想起了些似曾相识的事件。 It does rings a bell though.