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58236 against people living in or being from certain cities, provinces, or countries; and against anyone believed to have been infected with the virus. 针对居住于或来自于某些城市、省份或国家的人;针对被认为已感染该病毒的人。   
58237 Stigma can be deadly. 社会污名化带来的影响可能是致命的。
58238 It can contribute to a situation where the virus is more not less likely to spread. 它会在一些情况下加速、而非减缓病毒的传播。
58239 This can result in even more severe health and societal problems and difficulties controlling a disease outbreak, both here in China and overseas. 无论是在中国还是在其他国家,社会污名化会导致更为严峻的健康与社会问题,让疫情更加难以控制。
58240 We have seen the negative impact of stigma on our health time and time again, for example, in cases of stigma against people living with HIV, TB, or hepatitis, and against people with mental health disorders, just to name a few. 我们一次又一次亲眼目睹了污名化对健康所产生的负面影响,比如针对艾滋病患者、结核病患者、肝炎患者以及精神疾病患者的污名化现象等等。
58241 Stigma leads to worse health outcomes because it drives people to hide the illness to avoid discrimination; 社会污名化会导致健康问题恶化,因为它让人们为避免受到歧视而隐瞒病情;
58242 it prevents people from seeking health care immediately; 延迟就医;
58243 supporting the emergency response in their communities; 不配合社区的应急工作;
58244 and it discourages them from adopting healthy behaviours. 也会使人们逐渐放弃健康的生活方式。
58245 If we don’t combat COVID-19 stigma it can become deeply entrenched in society and result in entire groups, in particular vulnerable communities, being disadvantaged and excluded. 如果我们不现在就向2019冠状病毒病导致的社会污名化宣战,那么它可能会在社会中更加根深蒂固,进而影响所有的社会群体,尤其是那些已经遭受边缘化、不公平待遇的弱势人群。