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58246 How we communicate and report about COVID-19 is critical in supporting people to take effective action to help combat the disease and to avoid fueling fear and stigma. 针对2019冠状病毒病的沟通和报告方式至关重要,恰当的做法能帮助人们采取及时有效的行动抗击疫情,并遏制恐惧和社会污名化的蔓延。
58247 An environment needs to be created in which the disease and its impact can be discussed and addressed openly, honestly, supportively and effectively. 我们需要营造一个良好的氛围,让人们公开、真诚、互助、有效地探讨疫情及其影响。
58248 “We must come together, both as a global community and as local communities, to prevent and stop ALL forms of COVID-19 stigma and discrimination, 我们必须团结在一起,无论在全球还是地区层面,阻止和叫停一切有关2019冠状病毒病的污名化现象和歧视行为,
58249 against people from China or any at-risk countries; against people from Wuhan or Hubei; and against people who have contracted COVID-19.” 包括针对中国或任何风险国家的人民、针对武汉或湖北人民、针对2019冠状病毒病患者的污名化和歧视行为。
58250 -Nicholas Rosellini, UN Resident Coordinator in China & Dr Gauden Galea, WHO Representative to the People’s Republic of China ——联合国驻华协调员罗世礼和世界卫生组织驻华代表高力医生
58251 We all need to work together to show empathy with those affected, to understand the disease itself, and to adopt effective, practical measures so everyone- 我们所有人都需要齐心协力,向患者表达同情,增强对疾病本身的了解,并采取务实有效的措施。
58252 regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, gender or location, can help keep themselves and their loved ones safe. 这样一来,无论国籍、种族、性别或地域,每个人都可以确保自己和所爱之人的安全健康。
58253 Please describe the document and how it can help in this current pandemic? 请简单介绍一下这份文件及其对当前大流行有何帮助?
58254 The compendium is intended to assist national and local governments, health organizations and countries in assessing and selecting appropriate technologies for the destruction of healthcare waste. 该纲要旨在协助国家和地方政府、卫生组织和各国评估和选择适当的技术来销毁医疗废物。
58255 It can help those with responsibility for planning and managing the significant increase in medical waste as a result of this global pandemic. 它为当前负责计划和管理因全球大流行导致的医疗废物激增的相关人员提供指导。