ID 原文 译文
58256 What is healthcare waste? 什么是医疗废物?
58257 Healthcare waste is all the waste generated by healthcare facilities, medical laboratories and biomedical research facilities, as well as waste from minor or scattered sources. 医疗废物是医疗设施、医学实验室和生物医学研究设施产生的所有废物,以及次要或分散来源的废物。
58258 Although hospitals produce the bulk of healthcare waste by volume, they are a small fraction of the total number of sources. 尽管医院会产生大量医疗废物,但它们仅占来源总数的一小部分。
58259 Improper treatment and disposal of healthcare waste poses serious hazards of secondary disease transmission due to exposures to infectious agents among waste pickers, waste workers, health workers, patients, and the community in general where waste is improperly disposed. 医疗废物的不正确处理和处置会造成严重的继发性疾病传播风险,因为垃圾收集工、废物工作者、医务工作者、患者以及整个社区都可能因废物处置不当而接触到传染源。
58260 Open burning and incineration without adequate pollution control exposes waste workers and the surrounding community to toxic contaminants in air emissions and ash. 没有开展适当控制污染的露天焚烧和焚化会使废物工人和周围社区暴露在含有有毒污染无的空气排放物和灰烬中。
58261 How much medical waste does an average hospital produce? 一般医院会产生多少医疗废物?
58262 An assessment of waste generation rate data from around the world shows that about 0.5 kg per bed per day is produced in hospitals. 对来自世界各地的废物产生率数据的评估表明,医院每天每张病床产生约0.5千克废物。
58263 However, this figure, and the underlying composition of the waste, varies enormously depending on local context, with higher-income countries generating far higher levels of waste and plastic, for example, often making up more than half of all medical waste. 但是,这一数字以及废物的基本构成因当地情况的不同而有很大差异,例如,高收入国家产生的废物和塑料水平高得多,通常占全部医疗废物的一半以上。
58264 Because of this huge diversity, there is no single best solution to dealing with medical waste. 由于废物种类繁多,因此没有唯一的最佳解决方案来处理医疗废物问题。
58265 The compendium provides a robust methodology for analysing local healthcare waste generation, composition and disposal needs and selecting appropriate technologies as part of a local waste management system. 该纲要为分析当地医疗废物的产生、组成和处置需求以及选择适当的技术作为当地废物管理系统的一部分提供了一种可靠的方法。