ID 原文 译文
58266 Which kind of medical waste is most risky in terms of spreading infectious diseases? 就传播传染病而言,哪种医疗废物风险最高?
58267 Healthcare waste can be categorized according to the following general classifications: 可以根据以下一般分类法对医疗废物进行分类:
58268 sharps waste, 锐器废物,
58269 pathological waste, 病理废物,
58270 other infectious wastes, 其他传染性废物,
58271 pharmaceutical waste including cytotoxic waste, hazardous chemical waste, radioactive waste, and general (non-risk) waste. 药物废物,包括细胞毒性废物,危险化学品废物,放射性废物和一般(无风险)废物。
58272 In general, between 75 and 90 per cent of the waste produced by healthcare facilities is non-risk (non-infectious, non-hazardous) general waste, comparable to domestic waste. 通常,医疗机构产生的废物中有75%至90%是非危险性(非传染性、无害)普通废物,与家庭废物相当。
58273 Infectious waste is waste that is suspected to contain pathogens (disease-causing bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi) in sufficient concentration or quantity to cause disease in susceptible hosts. 传染性废物是指怀疑含有足以引起易感宿主疾病的浓度或数量的病原体(引起疾病的细菌、病毒、寄生虫或真菌)的废物。
58274 The Compendium talks about segregation of medical waste. 该简编谈到了医疗废物的隔离。
58275 What does this segregation mean? 隔离是什么意思?