ID 原文 译文
58276 Segregation is an important element in efficient healthcare waste management. 隔离是有效医疗废物管理中的重要元素。
58277 By separating hazardous from non-hazardous waste one can dramatically reduce the volume of waste that requires specialized treatment. 通过将危险废物与非危险废物分开,可以大大减少需要专门处理的废物量。
58278 Other elements of healthcare waste management include waste classification, waste minimization, containerization, colour coding, labelling, signage, handling, transport, storage, treatment and final disposal. 医疗废物管理的其他要素包括废物分类、废物产生量最小化、集装箱化、颜色编码、标签、标牌、处理、运输、储存、处理和最终处置。
58279 And, of course, to maintain such a system requires continuous training, planning, budgeting, monitoring, evaluation, documentation and record-keeping. 而且,当然,要维护这样的系统,需要不断的培训、计划、预算、监控、评估、文档和记录保存。
58280 What should countries do to implement a waste management policy for medical waste? 各国应如何执行医疗废物管理政策?
58281 The process of institutionalization of a good healthcare waste management system is complex. 一个好的医疗废物管理系统的制度化过程是复杂的。
58282 It entails a waste assessment and evaluation of existing practices, 它涉及废物评估和现有做法的评估、
58283 evaluation of waste management options, 废物管理备选方案的评估、
58284 development of a waste management plan, 废物管理计划的制定、
58285 promulgation of institutional policies and guidelines, 机构政策和准则的颁布、