ID 原文 译文
58286 establishment of a waste management organization, 废物管理组织的建立、
58287 allocation of human and financial resources, 人力和财力的分配、
58288 implementation of plans according to a set timelines, as well as a programme of periodic training, monitoring, evaluation and continuous improvement.   计划执行表的设定,以及定期培训、监控、评估和持续改进计划。
58289 How can this compendium inform coronavirus waste management for hospitals? 该纲要如何指导医院冠状病毒废物管理?
58290 Countries, cities and institutions that have used this compendium, or other similar tools, and developed an operating waste management system, are far better able to cope with surges in medical waste associated with disasters, including the ongoing pandemic. 使用该纲要或其他类似工具,并开发可操作的废物管理系统的国家、城市和机构,能够更好地应对与灾害(包括持续的大流行)相关的医疗废物激增的问题。
58291 The best medical waste management systems include contingency plans for natural disasters, including pandemics. 最好的医疗废物管理系统包括针对自然灾害(包括大流行)的应急计划。
58292 The compendium is, however, a risk reduction tool, very useful and relevant to the pandemic response over a medium- to longer-term timescale from months to years, but must be complemented with rapid response guidelines for emergency operations in real time. 但是,虽然该简编是一种减少风险的工具,非常有用,并且与长达几个月甚至几年的中长期的大流行响应工作息息相关,但必须辅以实时的应急行动快速应对指南。
58293 What are the basic processes involved in the treatment of healthcare waste? 医疗废物处理涉及哪些基本过程?
58294 There are four basic processes involved in the treatment of healthcare waste: thermal, chemical, irradiative and biological processes. 医疗废物的处理涉及四个基本过程:热过程、化学过程、辐射过程和生物过程。
58295 The unfortunate reality worldwide is, however, that an enormous amount of healthcare waste, including waste generated as a result of our pandemic responses, is either mistreated with improperly maintained technologies, or not treated at all. 然而,全球范围内不幸的现实是,大量医疗保健废物(包括由于我们的大流行而产生的废物)要么使用了维护不当的技术进行了错误处理,要么根本没有得到处理。