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58306 31 million additional cases of gender-based violence can be expected to occur if the lockdown continues for at least 6 months. 如果针对疫情的封锁措施持续至少6个月,预计还会发生3100万起性别暴力事件。
58307 For every 3 months the lockdown continues, an additional 15 million extra cases of gender-based violence are expected. 封锁措施每继续增加3个月,性别暴力事件预计增加1500万起。
58308 COVID-19 will disrupt efforts to end child marriage, potentially resulting in an additional 13 million child marriages taking place between 2020 and 2030 that  could otherwise have been averted. 2019冠状病毒病疫情将破坏全球终结童婚的努力,可能在2020年至2030年间增加1300万例本该避免的童婚事件。
58309 UNFPA is working with governments and partners to prioritize the needs of women and girls of reproductive age and to respond urgently during the challenging public health emergency. 联合国人口基金正与各国政府和合作伙伴一起,将育龄妇女和女童的需求置于疫情响应的优先领域,并对这一具有挑战性的全球公共卫生应急事件做出响应。
58310 Our priorities are focusing on strengthening health systems, procuring and delivering essential supplies to protect health workers, ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence services, and promoting risk communication and community engagement. 我们的优先事项聚焦于加强各国医疗系统,采购分发保护医疗卫生工作者的基本医疗用品,确保性与生殖健康服务和性别暴力干预服务的可及性,同时促进风险沟通和社区参与。
58311 The research was conducted by UNFPA, with contributions from Avenir Health, Johns Hopkins University (USA) and Victoria University (Australia). 这项研究由联合人口基金实施,并得到了艾文莉医疗、约翰·霍普金斯大学(美国)和维多利亚大学(澳大利亚)的支持。
58312 Its projections were based upon recent UNFPA research into what will be required to achieve the organization’s goals by 2030. 该研究的预测是基于联合国人口基金最近实施的实现该组织2030年目标所需成本的研究进行的。
58313 For each estimate, researchers projected the direct impact of COVID-19 on the issue in question and combined it with the disruption to global prevention programmes caused by the pandemic. 对于每一项评估,研究人员预测了2019冠状病毒病对相关问题的直接影响,并将其与该疫情大流行对全球公共卫生防控计划造成的破坏影响结合起来。
58314 Midwives are central to everything we do at UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency. 助产士是联合国人口基金——联合国促进性健康和生殖健康机构工作的核心内 容。
58315 In China and globally, we celebrate the lifesaving work of midwives and advocate for the protection of and investment in midwives, through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. 联合国人口基金在中国和全球范围内,赞扬助产士挽救生命的工作,同时倡导在新冠肺炎疫情大流行时期和未来加强对助产士的保护和投入。