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58316 During the more than 70-day nationwide aid to Hubei, the province hardest hit by COVID-19, China mobilized a total of 28,600 midwives and nurses. 湖北省是中国遭受新冠肺炎疫情影响最大的省份。在这场全国援助湖北的70多天的抗疫斗争中,中国动员了2.86万名助产士和护士。
58317 This accounted for 70 per cent of the total number of medical staff who were deployed to Hubei. 这2.86万助产士和护士数量占到了全国援鄂医疗队员数量的70%。
58318 Among the 28,600 midwives and nurses, almost nine in ten of them were women. 女性助产士和护士数量占到了援鄂助产士和护士数量的90%。
58319 Midwives, especially women midwives, have been playing a critical role in the battle against COVID-19, safeguarding the health of women and newborns, and giving courage to vulnerable patients. 助产士,特别是女性助产士,在抗击新冠肺炎的战斗中发挥了重要作用,她们为妇幼健康保驾护航,并为脆弱病人带去希望。
58320 UNFPA applauds and hails the work of all midwives in the fight against the novel coronavirus. 联合国人口基金赞赏并感激所有为抗击新冠肺炎疫情做出贡献的助产士们。
58321 We stand by them and work with the government, national and international partners to protect them, and support the development of their profession in China. 我们与助产士们站在一起,并与政府机构、国内国际合作伙伴一起,保护中国的助产士们,并支持中国助产士的专业化发展。
58322 WHO and European Investment Bank strengthen efforts to combat COVID-19 and build resilient health systems to face future pandemics 世卫组织和欧洲投资银行加强努力以抗击2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19),并建立有抵御力的卫生系统,应对今后的大流行性疾病
58323 WHO and the European Investment Bank enhance cooperation to support countries in addressing the health impact of COVID-19. 世卫组织和欧洲投资银行加强合作,支持各国消除COVID-19带来的健康影响。
58324 The first phase will address urgent needs and strengthen primary health care in ten African countries. 第一阶段将着手解决10个非洲国家的紧迫需求并加强其初级卫生保健。
58325 Enhanced WHO-EIB partnership will scale up financing to assure the chain of essential supplies, including personal protective equipment, diagnostics and clinical management. 强化的世卫组织—欧洲投资银行伙伴关系将扩大融资规模,以确保基本物资的供应链,包括个人防护设备、诊断材料和临床管理。