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58326 New initiative will accelerate investment in health preparedness and primary health care with a focus on health work force, infrastructure, and water, sanitation and hygiene. 新举措将加快对卫生防范和初级卫生保健的投资,重点是卫生人力、基础设施以及水、环境卫生和个人卫生。
58327 The initiative involves measures to address the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance. 该举措包括采取措施,应对日益加剧的抗微生物药物耐药性威胁。
58328 The World Health Organization and the European Investment Bank will boost cooperation to strengthen public health, supply of essential equipment, training and hygiene investment in countries most vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic. 世界卫生组织和欧洲投资银行将推进合作,在最易受COVID-19大流行性疾病影响的国家加强公共卫生、基本设备供应、培训和卫生投资。
58329 The new partnership between the United Nations health agency and the world’s largest international public bank, announced at WHO headquarters in Geneva earlier today, will help increase resilience to reduce the health and social impact of future health emergencies. 今天早些时候,在位于日内瓦的世卫组织总部宣布了联合国卫生机构与世界上最大的国际公共银行之间的新伙伴关系,这将有助于提高抗御力,减轻今后突发卫生事件造成的健康和社会影响。
58330 "Combining the public health experience of the World Health Organization and the financial expertise of the European Investment Bank will contribute to a more effective response to COVID-19 and other pressing health challenges," said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “世界卫生组织的公共卫生经验与欧洲投资银行的金融专业知识结合在一起,将推动更有效地应对COVID-19和其它迫在眉睫的卫生挑战,”世卫组织总干事谭德塞博士说。
58331 "WHO looks forward to strengthening cooperation with the EIB to improve access to essential supplies including medical equipment and training, and deliver better water, sanitation and hygiene where most needed. New initiatives to improve primary health care in Africa and support the EU Malaria Fund hint at the potential impact of our new partnership,” Dr Tedros concluded. “世卫组织期待加强与欧洲投资银行的合作,以增进获取基本供应品的机会,包括医疗设备和培训,并在最需要的地方交付净化水、环境卫生和个人卫生。改善非洲初级卫生保健和支持欧盟疟疾基金的新举措预示了我们之间的新伙伴关系的潜在影响,”谭德塞博士最后断言。
58332 “The world is facing unprecedented health, social and economic shocks from COVID-19. The European Investment Bank is pleased to join forces with the World Health Organization as a key part of Team Europe’s efforts to address the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The EU Bank’s new partnership with the WHO will help communities most at risk by scaling up local medical and public health efforts and better protect people around the world from future pandemics. This new cooperation will enable us to combat malaria, address anti-microbial resistance and enhance public health in Africa more effectively,” said Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank. “世界正面对COVID-19造成的前所未有的健康、社会和经济冲击。欧洲投资银行很高兴与世界卫生组织携手合作,这是欧洲团队应对COVID-19大流行性疾病全球影响的努力的重要组成部分。欧盟银行与世卫组织的新伙伴关系将通过拓展当地的医疗和公共卫生努力来帮助风险最大的社区,并更好地保护世界各地的人民免受今后大流行性疾病的影响。这一新的合作将有助于我们更有效地在非洲抗击疟疾,解决抗微生物药物耐药性问题,并增进公众健康,”欧洲投资银行行长Werner Hoyer说。
58333 Improving local public health efforts to tackle coronavirus 加强当地公共卫生努力以抗击冠状病毒
58334 The WHO and the EIB will increase cooperation to help governments in low- and middle-income countries to finance and secure access to essential medical supplies and protective equipment through central procurement. 世卫组织将与欧洲投资银行加强合作,帮助低收入和中等收入国家政府,通过中央采购,资助和确保获得基本医疗物资和防护设备。
58335 Building resilient health systems in vulnerable countries across Africa 在整个非洲的脆弱国家建立有抗御力的卫生系统