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58336 The WHO and the EIB will reinforce cooperation to support immediate COVID-19 needs and jointly develop targeted financing to enhance health investment and build resilient health systems and primary health care to address public health emergencies as well as accelerate progress towards Universal Health Coverage. 世卫组织和欧洲投资银行将加强合作,支持面对COVID-19的紧迫需求,联合发展有针对性的融资,以加强卫生投资,建设有抗御力的卫生系统和初级卫生保健,以应对突发公共卫生事件,加速全民健康覆盖的进展。
58337 The partnership will benefit from the EIB’s planned 1.4 billion EUR response to address the health, social and economic impact of COVID-19 in Africa. 该伙伴关系将受益于欧洲投资银行计划相应投入的14亿欧元,以减轻COVID-19在非洲造成的健康、社会和经济影响。
58338 This will address immediate needs in the health sector and provide both technical assistance and support for medium-term investment in specialist health infrastructure. 这将用于解决卫生部门的紧迫需要,并为对专业卫生基础设施的中期投资提供技术援助和支持。
58339 The collaboration envisages rapid identification and fast-track approval of financing for health care, medical equipment and supplies. 这一合作准备加速对卫生保健、医疗设备和物资筹资的认定与审批。
58340 The first phase of the collaboration will see public health investment in ten African countries. 合作的第一阶段,将在10个非洲国家进行公共卫生投资。
58341 Long-term collaboration to overcome market failures in global health 长期合作以克服全球卫生市场失灵
58342 The agreement signed today establishes a close collaboration to overcome market failure and stimulate investments in global health, accelerating progress towards Universal Health Coverage. 今天签署的协议建立了紧密的合作关系,以克服市场失灵,刺激全球卫生投资,加速全民健康覆盖的进展。
58343 Increased cooperation between the WHO and the EIB will strengthen the resilience of national public health systems and enhance preparedness of vulnerable countries against future pandemics, thanks to investments in primary care infrastructure, health workers and improved water, sanitation and hygiene. 世卫组织与欧洲投资银行之间日益增进的合作,因其对初级卫生保健基础设施、卫生工作者和净化水、环境卫生和个人卫生的投资,将加强国家公共卫生系统的抗御力,并强化脆弱国家对今后大流行性疾病的防范。
58344 Future cooperation will strengthen the EIB’s 5.2 billion EUR global response to COVID-19 outside the European Union. 今后的合作将加强欧洲投资银行在欧盟之外针对COVID-19的总计达52亿欧元的全球应对。
58345 Scaling up investment to tackle antimicrobial resistance 加大投资力度,处理抗微生物药物耐药性问题