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58346 The two organisations will also cooperate in an initiative to address investment barriers hindering development of new antimicrobial treatment and related diagnostics. 这两个组织还将合作采取一项举措,消除妨碍研发新的抗微生物药物治疗和相关诊断的投资壁垒。
58347 Antimicrobial resistance is amongst the most significant global health threats. 抗微生物药物耐药性是为害最大的全球健康威胁之一。
58348 The WHO and the EIB are working on a new financing initiative to support development of novel antimicrobials and address the estimated 1 billion EUR needed to provide medium-term solutions to antimicrobial resistance. 世卫组织和欧洲投资银行正在制定一项新的筹资倡议,以支持开发新型抗微生物药物,并筹措约10亿欧元供抗微生物药物耐药性中期解决方案所需。
58349 Other crucial partners have been invited to join this discussion. 已邀请其他重要合作伙伴参加此次讨论。
58350 Improving the effectiveness of malaria treatment 提高疟疾治疗的有效性
58351 Under the new agreement the EIB and WHO will support development of the EU Malaria Fund, a new 250 million EUR public-private initiative intended to address market failures holding back more effective malaria treatment. 按照新的协议,欧洲投资银行和世卫组织将支持欧盟疟疾基金的发展,这是一项新的为数2.5亿欧元的公私合作举措,旨在解决妨碍进行更有效的疟疾治疗的市场失灵问题。
58352 Strengthening EIB support for healthcare, life science and COVID-19 investment 加强欧洲投资银行对卫生保健、生命科学和COVID-19投资的支持
58353 In recent years the European Investment Bank has provided more than 2 billion EUR annually for health care and life science investment. 近年来,欧洲投资银行每年提供20亿欧元以上,用于医疗保健和生命科学投资。
58354 In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the EIB is currently assessing over 20 projects in the field of vaccine development, diagnostic and treatment, leading to potential investments in the 700 million EUR range. 在COVID-19大流行性疾病的背景下,欧洲投资银行目前正在对疫苗研发、诊断和治疗领域促进规模达7亿欧元的潜在投资的20多个项目进行评估。
58355 The EIB will also take part in the EU’s rolling pledging effort for the coronavirus global response that is taking place on May 4th. 欧洲投资银行还将参加欧盟将于5月4日举行的冠状病毒全球应对行动的滚动认捐活动。