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58366 世界各国政府采取了保护人民生活和生计的对策。 Governments around the world have taken action to protect people’s lives and livelihoods in response.
58367 但迄今为止,针对移民及其家庭这一特殊问题的对策为数不多。 But thus far the unique challenges of migrants and their families have been addressed in too few cases.
58368 确保将移民问题纳入政策应对,可有助于在危机中保护这个异常脆弱的群体。 Ensuring that migrants are included in policy responses can help protect this particularly vulnerable group during the crisis. 
58369 但这在经济上也是明智的做法: But it is also smart economics:
58370 保护移民意味着减少整个人口的感染风险,同时也帮助维持对于从新冠疫情的经济影响中复苏至关重要的一个劳动力来源。 protecting migrants means reducing the risk of transmission for the entire population while helping sustain a source of labor that will be critical to recovery from the economic effects of COVID-19. 
58371 为什么移民对于疫情应对非常重要? Why does migration matter for the pandemic response?
58372 事实1:移民的健康与生计面临新冠疫情的严重威胁。 Fact 1:  Migrant health and livelihoods are at significant risk from COVID-19. 
58373 移民往往在拥挤的环境中生活和工作,无法保持社交距离,因而面临更大的感染风险。 Migrants tend to live and work in crowded conditions that do not permit social distancing, putting them at increased risk of contracting the disease.
58374 他们也面临失去收入来源的严重风险。 They are also at high risk of income loss.
58375 据联合国估计,在经合组织国家受影响严重的行业,30%的工人为外国籍。 The UN estimates that nearly 30 percent of the workforce in highly affected sectors in OECD countries is foreign-born.