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58376 失业的负面影响对于国内和国际移民工人尤其严重, The negative effects of job loss can be particularly significant for both internal and international migrant workers,
58377 因为他们往往从事非正规工作,在失业或患病情况下缺少社会保障。 because they often work in informal jobs and lack safety nets in case of job loss or illness.
58378 因此,在疫情期间待在家里是众多移民工人负担不起的奢侈品。 Hence staying at home during the outbreak is a luxury that many migrant workers can’t afford.
58379 事实2:移民家庭和原籍社区可能面临严重的经济影响。 Fact 2:  Migrants’ families and communities of origin are likely to face severe economic impacts.
58380 失业造成的收入下降将意味着移民汇款大幅减少,而这是全世界大量家庭赖以生存和投资人力资本与企业的资金来源。 The drop in income from job loss will mean significant declines in the remittances that families throughout the world rely on to make ends meet and to invest in human capital and businesses.
58381 例如,世界银行的新报告预计2020年低收入和中等收入国家的移民汇款将下降19.7%。 For example, a new World Bank report suggests that a 19.7 percent drop in remittances to low and middle-income countries is expected in 2020.
58382 BBVA墨西哥银行预测2020年墨西哥的汇款收入将下降17%。 BBVA Mexico projects a 17 percent drop in remittances to Mexico in 2020.
58383 3月份孟加拉的汇款收入同比下降了13%。 Remittances to Bangladesh dropped 13 percent in March year-over-year.
58384 事实3:病毒防控措施给雇主和整个行业造成严重中断。 Fact 3: Measures to control transmission are causing significant disruptions for employers and entire sectors.
58385 主要移民目的国对国际旅客关闭了边境, Major migration destinations have closed their borders to international travelers.