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58386 导致很多在另一地点工作的移民无法上班、返回家乡或者去填补岗位空缺。 As a result, many migrants who work in another location can't access their job, travel home, or move to fill job vacancies.
58387 对于西班牙、法国、德国、英国、波兰等国设法为收获季节招工的农场主们来说,季节工紧缺成为一个特别担忧的问题。 The limited availability of seasonal migrant workers has been a particular concern for farmers in Spain, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Poland who are struggling to recruit workers for the harvesting season.
58388 大流行期间各国能够采取哪些措施来解决移民问题? What can countries do to address migration-related challenges during the pandemic?
58389 移民输出国和移民接收国都能通过社会保护机制为移民提供必要的支持,这包括社会安全网计划、稳定就业政策和就业促进政策。 Both sending and receiving countries can provide crucial support to migrants through social protection mechanisms, including social safety net programs, employment retention policies, and employment promotion policies.
58390 调整移民相关规定可有助于支持这些政策和计划。 Adjustments to migration regulations can help support these policies and programs.
58391 我们在另一篇博文中讨论了汇款干预措施。 We’ve discussed remittance interventions in a separate blog post.
58392 社会安全网以现金或实物和服务的形式提供直接支持,以平缓消费、提供物价补贴和防止返贫。 Social safety nets provide direct support either in the form of cash or in-kind goods and services to smooth consumption, compensate for higher prices, and prevent falls into poverty.
58393 政府可以考虑三种方案。 Governments could consider three options.
58394 第一,可以放宽现有社会保障项目的资格,以解决移民面临的问题。 First, eligibility for existing safety net programs can be expanded to address the challenges facing migrants.
58395 第二,可以实施为应对新冠疫情新创建的计划,而不论其是否具有移民身份。 Second, programs newly created in response to COVID-19 can be implemented without regard to migration status.