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58396 第三,可以创建新计划来帮助移民解决他们面临的特殊问题, Third, new programs can be created to help migrants address the distinct challenges they face.
58397 包括提供病毒检测和治疗、食物和住宿、协助安排交通和现金资助。 These include providing virus testing and treatment, food and accommodations, transportation assistance, and cash grants.
58398 稳定就业政策通过减免社会保险缴费(比如中国的做法)或者通过就业补贴(比如韩国的做法)等方式激励雇主维持员工队伍稳定。 Employment retention policies incentivize employers to maintain their workforce either through deductions in social insurance contributions, as is being done in China, or through employment subsidies, as we are seeing in Korea.
58399 这些政策可以覆盖全体工人,但实施时把重点放在防止移民工人、尤其是国内流动务工人员下岗上。 These policies can cover the entire workforce, but be implemented with a focus on preventing the displacement of migrant workers, particularly internal migrant labor.
58400 就业促进政策帮助求职者找到工作,帮助雇主找到工人。 Employment promotion policies help jobseekers find jobs and employers find workers.
58401 对移民相关规定可做调整,以确保劳动力市场需求得到满足,包括现有工人的签证延期和为新移民准入提供便利。 Regulations on migration programs can be adjusted to ensure that labor market needs can be met including by lengthening visas for existing workers and facilitating new admissions.
58402 就业匹配和求职计划以及协助安排交通等方式可以有助于下岗工人找到工作, Job matching and job search programs as well as transportation assistance can help migrant workers who are displaced find jobs,
58403 尤其是有助于填补因旅行限制造成的劳动力市场空缺。 particularly to fill the labor market gaps created by travel restrictions.
58404 这可能需要纳入体检要求以防止新冠病毒传播。 This may require incorporating health checks to protect against transmission of COVID-19.
58405 政府决策者在设计和实施注重移民的政策时应当考虑哪些问题? What should policymakers consider when designing and implementing migration-sensitive policies?