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58406 政府可致力于将移民纳入现有计划,以确保所有人群都得到保护,减少新冠疫情的健康和经济影响。 Governments can work at mainstreaming migrants into existing programs to ensure that all groups are protected against the health and economic impacts of COVID-19.
58407 这些计划需要考虑到移民在获得社会保护方面往往面临的障碍,包括文件要求和语言不同。 The programs will need to take into account the barriers that migrants often face to accessing social protection including documentation requirements and language differences.
58408 甄别移民会有难度,特别是在他们未通过合法途径的地方, Identifying migrants will be difficult, particularly where they have not used legal channels,
58409 因此需要采取创新方法,包括自助瞄准、自助登录、与电信公司和汇款服务机构合作等。 hence it will require innovative approaches including self-targeting, self-enrollment, and cooperation with telecommunications companies and remittance services providers.
58410 最后,提供方式需要符合良好的公共卫生实践。 Finally, delivery will need to comply with good public health practices.
58411 例如,农业季节工计划需要包含健康筛查、具体工作指南以及在移民工人患病情况下的应对预案等。 For example, programs to facilitate seasonal work in agriculture will need to incorporate health screenings, guidelines on how work should be undertaken, and plans for responding if a migrant worker falls ill.
58412 冠状病毒:检测达不到10万天的目标 Coronavirus: Testing falls short of 100,000 daily target
58413 周六,冠状病毒检测大幅下降,几天前,卫生部长马特•汉考克(Matt Hancock)表示,政府已经达到了每天10万次检测的目标。 Testing for coronavirus fell sharply on Saturday, days after Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the government had met its daily target of 100,000 tests.
58414 部长们说,在过去的24小时里,只进行了不到76500次测试,比4月30日进行的12.2万次测试下降了三分之一以上。 In the past 24 hours, ministers said just under 76,500 tests were carried out, a drop of more than a third on the 122,000 tests carried out on 30 April.
58415 NHS英格兰医疗总监斯蒂芬•鲍维斯教授承认,测试已经“有点下降”。 NHS England medical director Prof Stephen Powis acknowledged that testing had taken a "little bit of a dip".