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58416 上周五,汉考克形容10万美元的目标是“大胆的”。 On Friday Mr Hancock described the 100,000 target as "audacious".
58417 卫生大臣在4月2日设定了这一目标,当时英国每天进行1万次检测。 The health secretary set the goal on 2 April, when the UK was on 10,000 tests a day.
58418 在宣布政府的成功时,汉考克表示,10万的目标具有“激励作用”,并补充说,增强的测试能力将“帮助我们解锁”。 Announcing the government's success, Mr Hancock suggested the 100,000 goal had a "galvanising effect", adding that the bolstered testing capacity would "help us to unlock the lockdown".
58419 然而,政府因为包括了4万份邮寄的可能没有参加的考试而受到批评。 However, the government came in for criticism for including 40,000 tests which were dispatched by post and may not have been taken.
58420 据官方统计,自那以后,测试的数量减少了约4万次。 Since then, the number of tests has dropped by about 40,000, according to official statistics.
58421 在周日的唐宁街简报会上,内阁大臣迈克尔•戈夫(Michael Gove)称赞汉考克在实现目标方面取得了“令人惊叹的成就”。 At the Downing Street briefing on Sunday, cabinet minister Michael Gove praised Mr Hancock's "amazing achievement" in reaching his target.
58422 戈夫表示,考试的大幅增加是“公共部门和私营部门在非常强大的政治领导下携手合作”的一个例子。 Mr Gove said the massive increase in tests had been an example of what "the public sector and the private sector working together under a very strong political leadership can achieve".
58423 他说,测试次数的下降是因为周末上班的人减少了。 He said the dip in the number of tests was due to the fact that fewer people were at work over the weekend.
58424 “由于NHS、英国公共卫生署、我们的制药部门和我们的大学的这么多人的辛勤工作, "Thanks to the hard work of so many across the NHS, Public Health England, our pharmaceutical sector and our universities,
58425 我们已经对20多万名关键工人及其家人进行了检测,使那些没有感染病毒的人能够重返工作岗位,并保护了那些感染病毒的人。” we have tested over 200,000 key workers and their families, allowing those who don't have the virus to go back to work and protecting those who do."